Beauty waiting to bloom

Once the rain stops, beauty is ready to bloom. Some seasons in life are easier to walk through than others. Those hard times are the rain and dark clouds, yet life has a pattern. What comes, goes.

There is a statement on our office that states, "this too shall pass." the Bible states there is a time for everything and a season for for every activity.

Take heart and know the trees and flowers are about to bloom in your life. Like a tulip build that lies unseen just beneath the grounds surface, certainly things will appear and bloom in your life.

Persistent Rain

Sometimes it rains for several days. Don’t let that change your attitude. You can be a thermostat instead of a thermometer. Set your attitude thermostat the joy today.


Go ahead and enjoy the rainy days. They can be fun if you’re attitude is positive, but you have to make up your mind right now that today will be a fun day.

Do the Dishes

Since we are a service that provides gift suggestions we have a lot to say about relationships, without them there’d be no reason to give a gift. So chalk this post up to failures we’ve made along the way and we hope you learn from our mistakes.

The best way to deal with relationship issues.

If you have a problem in a relationship, our advice is that you deal with it immediately.

Think of it like you think of doing the dishes, especially if you wash the dishes by hand. You know the sooner you wash dirty dishes, the easier it is to get them clean. If you leave them over night, washing them the next day takes extra effort and elbow grease to get them clean. You may even need to let them soak so the dried gravy or yogurt or whatever you eat, will come off.

It’s similar with ‘dirt’ in a relationship. The longer you wait to clean it up the harder it will be to ‘clean’ it. I believe the majority of failed relationships start their downfall due to simple issues, that could have easily been washed up, but are ignored or avoided until it’s so bad, once they are dealt with it practically breaks the relationship instead of cleaning it.

Keep your relationship as clean as possible, meaning please don’t wait to mention an issue you have in your relationship. When mentioning the issue don’t attach the person, attack the problem.

Of course the best way to help deal with the issue is with a great gift. Check these out.



Spring is well on the way in most of the states now and the next event around the corner is Mother’s Day!

Mother’s are important. They provide, protect, love and wisdom. Sure it might not always feel that way but their perspective is bigger than your’s and that just means they know the consequences of certain actions before you even consider the actions, which is why they warn you not to do certain things.

Sure not all mothers are upright citizens, to put it mildly, but it doesn’t mean you should treat them rudely. Take the high road and send them a card or gift and just maybe you can be the relationship they need.

Send them a card to let them know you appreciate them and love them.


Every belief has their holidays.

This weekend is Easter in the Christian Calendar. For those of you that celebrate it, myself included, I pray you will have an awesome weekend.

If your not a Christian I hope you do participate to the full extent and are authentic in learning, understanding and practicing your faith. I know it’s an important component in each and every person.

We really didn’t have an Easter list this year. I don’t think Easter is about gifts anyway, it’s more about understanding and appreciation.

But you can always use some more bling.



Here is another post to increase the ‘content’ on our site.

How old are we? We’ve been around long enough to remember it was fun to scroll down in an room and see images created using just the characters on a keyboard. Long before images flew around the internet we just used characters. Keys on a keyboard. Sure you might not even be able to conceive of such an internet, all black and white and text, but it’s true. That’s why when we first saw The Net we were in awe when she orders pizza online. Talk about blowing our minds.

It was a better time because communication was more than just an image. It was words put together in a series of thoughts and not just doctored images to improve our looks. We had to put ourselves out there with thoughts and ideas. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Here we are today where one image can change a life. (I’m talking about Alliston Stokke) And who knows what images are real, for even today deep fake videos look absolutely real.

Whoa, this is a little deep for some ‘content’. The point of this rambling is that relationships are essential to truly living and relationships greatly improve with gift giving and that’s why this website is created. To improve your real life, not your online, doctored image, life. Use your online life to improve your real world life and buy those you love some gifts and don’t get confused with the priorities of family.


The TopList.Shop Team


Our Website’s Content

The content on our website isn’t meant to be dressed up with lots of adjectives and adverbs which just take up a lot of time when you’re trying to do your shopping.  This site is about whittling down the parts of other websites that provide platitudes and descriptions that explain how great a product it, without truth.  (I will say though that soon we will be rolling out a new button on each list.  It will be the Premium product button and it will list the finest items in each list.  They will be items you’d find at Buckingham Palace or at the Ritz in New York City.)

The current buttons at the top of our lists provide a way to help you quickly find the products that fit your budget while still meaningful.  They include the <$50, <$100, <$200 and No Limit buttons, and they do just what you’d expect.  They remove the items that would be greater than the amount listed on the button so you will only see the items that are <$50, or <$100, etc…  Also if the items on the list are all less than $50 or greater than $200 then you won’t see the buttons appear on the list.

The other types of buttons include a way to quickly filter products specific for Him or Her.  Other lists are meant just for him or her so you won’t see those buttons.  You might notice, though, a background of a dress or dress shirt though.

If you are wondering why a list you are viewing might be missing some numbers, it’s most likely that you have filtered out some of the items and are seeing only the ones that fit your selections.  There also might be more than one item for a number on the list.  Like Item #4 on our Graduation List currently has more than 20 different items.  They’re all Yeti insulated tumblers but they are from some of the most popular schools in the USA.  To view all the items under the specified list number you must click on the green button labeled: [More Options for #  Click HERE].  Once you click, an expanded selection will appear.

The expanded selection for any List number might contain items of different color or size, or it just might be Comparable items at other stores.  If you are on your cell then you will also notice a -View link that shows a popup of the comparable item with the price listed at Wal-Mart, Macy’s, Best Buy or Neiman Marcus.  If you are on a computer then just hover over the button to see the popup and information.

We do thank you for your continued support and promise to continue to make shopping for gifts and products easier for you.  We use the lists too.  Oh shoot I just remembered my wife’s birthday is coming up.  I’d better check the Birthday List for Her.


The Guys at TopLists.Shop


How to make money on the internet

I’m a programmer. I started programming in Assembler language. I’ve adapted and learned many new computer languages along the way. I’ve learned: Cobol, Fortran, JCL, PHP, Pearl, SQL, HTML, Java, etc. but I’ve never tried to make money from a programmed website, until now.

In order to monetize this site, I’ve been told I need to create unique content, but not unique in a way that states a point so I need to write stuff in the English language and not just computer languages but do it so as the computer languages make money without really saying anything. Therefore I’m writing this blog. It’s not going to be political (which is what most content on sites end up being). It’s not going to drive the dogma of a religion. It’s just going to be what it was setup to be.

And what’s that you ask.

Here’s some background.

When my wife and I first got married we would tell each other what to buy as a great gift but the gift buyer would always want to be more creative then just buying what they were told to buy so we bought a lot of gifts that were never used, enjoyed or even liked. It wasn’t until we started buying exactly what was asked for that we started to find joy in gift giving and gift receiving.

Fast forward to today. This site gives you some of the best gifts we’ve received from each other over the years. Gifts that were enjoyed, useful and truly appreciated. Of course they are not the exact gifts, like the music on the site is from current bands, cameras are much different now but still thrilling to receive, jewelry is similar but new materials used to create necklaces, earrings and pins allows for stunning presentation of precious stones. (Also if you haven’t looked at the Swarovski Crystals jewelry please do just for the sake of beautiful jewelry at a really reasonable cost. The crystal pieces are in the price range you’d usually buy for your children, not your spouse, but the pieces are gorgeous.) AND on and on.

The best part of it is that you, our visitors, get the prices at the best online website, be it Amazon, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and Neiman Marcus and we receive a small percent of the transaction. For which we are very, very grateful. We both end up with a Win.

So peruse the lists and buy gifts for your loved ones that will sincerely be enjoyed and cherished for years to come.


The First Baby

There are a few things in life that change everything, in a way that you can never go back. Having a baby is one of those times. It’s exhilarating and miraculous, a little scary and intimidating. It’s a time when you realize that love consumes you, not because of the babies actions or smiles but because of who they are. They are yours.

Yes, I have 10 children. Most of them are now grown and starting life on their own but we still have pre-teen kids. It’s not hard to imagine our days of car seats, bike tag-a-longs, child backpacks, etc. I will say the chores of taking care of your baby can be so much easier with the right tools, like a wipe warmer, a soft blanket, or a rocking bouncy chair. (That’s why we have our baby lists.)

The first child is the time to enjoy every moment. Your thoughts and concentration aren’t divided as you take care of your little love. When the second or third comes along you’ll find that along with changing a diaper and bottle feeding you’re supervising the older siblings so they don’t cause trouble.

As they grow up you’ll get to relive some of the joys of you’re childhood through their innocent eyes and heart. Have fun with them and be a kid again. Let yourself be fascinated by a butterfly again or be amazed by a beautiful sunset. But I believe a parent needs to guide and educate their children, not to be a best friend. They will have plenty of best friends, but they will only have a couple of parents. Those parents need to be able to correct a wrong, care for injustice and love in the hard times.

I believe having a child is a precious gift from God. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy and fun. It is hard work (Remember that love isn’t an emotion, it’s a choice.) And sometimes loving the 6 year old, or 16 year old, is a hard choice. BUT when they grow up and you see theme bloom it’s worth every hug and cuddle you get along the way. It’s an accomplishment like a college degree or master’s degree. Hard work with a wonderful conclusion.