Beauty waiting to bloom

Once the rain stops, beauty is ready to bloom. Some seasons in life are easier to walk through than others. Those hard times are the rain and dark clouds, yet life has a pattern. What comes, goes.

There is a statement on our office that states, "this too shall pass." the Bible states there is a time for everything and a season for for every activity.

Take heart and know the trees and flowers are about to bloom in your life. Like a tulip build that lies unseen just beneath the grounds surface, certainly things will appear and bloom in your life.

Persistent Rain

Sometimes it rains for several days. Don’t let that change your attitude. You can be a thermostat instead of a thermometer. Set your attitude thermostat the joy today.


Go ahead and enjoy the rainy days. They can be fun if you’re attitude is positive, but you have to make up your mind right now that today will be a fun day.

Do the Dishes

Since we are a service that provides gift suggestions we have a lot to say about relationships, without them there’d be no reason to give a gift. So chalk this post up to failures we’ve made along the way and we hope you learn from our mistakes.

The best way to deal with relationship issues.

If you have a problem in a relationship, our advice is that you deal with it immediately.

Think of it like you think of doing the dishes, especially if you wash the dishes by hand. You know the sooner you wash dirty dishes, the easier it is to get them clean. If you leave them over night, washing them the next day takes extra effort and elbow grease to get them clean. You may even need to let them soak so the dried gravy or yogurt or whatever you eat, will come off.

It’s similar with ‘dirt’ in a relationship. The longer you wait to clean it up the harder it will be to ‘clean’ it. I believe the majority of failed relationships start their downfall due to simple issues, that could have easily been washed up, but are ignored or avoided until it’s so bad, once they are dealt with it practically breaks the relationship instead of cleaning it.

Keep your relationship as clean as possible, meaning please don’t wait to mention an issue you have in your relationship. When mentioning the issue don’t attach the person, attack the problem.

Of course the best way to help deal with the issue is with a great gift. Check these out.



Spring is well on the way in most of the states now and the next event around the corner is Mother’s Day!

Mother’s are important. They provide, protect, love and wisdom. Sure it might not always feel that way but their perspective is bigger than your’s and that just means they know the consequences of certain actions before you even consider the actions, which is why they warn you not to do certain things.

Sure not all mothers are upright citizens, to put it mildly, but it doesn’t mean you should treat them rudely. Take the high road and send them a card or gift and just maybe you can be the relationship they need.

Send them a card to let them know you appreciate them and love them.


Every belief has their holidays.

This weekend is Easter in the Christian Calendar. For those of you that celebrate it, myself included, I pray you will have an awesome weekend.

If your not a Christian I hope you do participate to the full extent and are authentic in learning, understanding and practicing your faith. I know it’s an important component in each and every person.

We really didn’t have an Easter list this year. I don’t think Easter is about gifts anyway, it’s more about understanding and appreciation.

But you can always use some more bling.

Wait, What?

Is it April 16th already?

Wow. That was fast.

Not much to say today.

Checkout this crazy list:

CES 2018 Products

Snow in April

Sometimes life can be depressing. Just when you expect the warmth and beauty of spring to break forth, you get a wet, rainy cold day. (Yes, Chicago was blessed with more snow yesterday than many years worth of storms of recent past.)

Take heart, life is a compilation of events and one day is a small fraction of your experience on this mortal coil. Tomorrow will certainly provide a new perspective as the earth swings around the sun, moving the sun drenched area of our planet towards it’s next season.

If you’ve been reading for awhile we make a lot of meta-fores relating to relationships and this concept of difficult days in a relationship will certainly pass and the sun will shine again on the both of you.

Sometimes you need to make that happen, and one way is with an unexpected gift. Maybe it’s not their birthday, they’d be even more pleasantly surprised if they received a precious gift at this time. You can check out the Jewelry List or Birthday List.


Do you see it as a positive or a negative?

It can be both.

Without rain we’d have desert everywhere and it’s tough to live in a desert, therefore we need rain.

With rain all the time we’d not have picnic’s in the sun, long walks at sunset, baseball games, rides in the convertible, fun at theme parks, and so much more.

We need both, rain and sun.

Just because your relationship is facing a storm doesn’t mean the sun will never shine again. It’s a common mistake most everyone makes. But to become a strong, living couple you need both the storms and the sun. Now emotionally it doesn’t feel that way, but the next time you face a storm in your relationship you’ll start to realize that it won’t last long and the strength of the relationship will grow until you realize, “this is nothing to get through. Sure it’s not fun but we’ve done this before and we’ll do it again.”

Of course it always helps to get a nice gift during the storm. Check out these gifts.

Life is like a racetrack

You notice how events in your life seem to come and go over and over again. It’s like life is giving you opportunities over and over again, the question we have to answer is how to make better decisions in every turn so we don’t hit the wall or skid out on the track.

An example that comes into my mind is the movie Ground Hog Day. It’s a classic Bill Murray movie. (I wouldn’t recommend it to families with young children because he goes through a very violent time because he doesn’t want to face certain corners of the racetrack of his life and he just ends it.) It makes us think about how we handle the events in our everyday life. Do we just hid and check-out of the relationships around us or do we engage with life and make it better for those around us. The movie has a great ending where the lead character learns what it means to be a good friend. A selfless good friend.

In the same light as Ground Hog Day we don’t get to experience the exact events every day but we do get to experience very similar events every day. Things like waking up and interacting with your spouse or family. Getting to work and saying Hi to everyone or just sneaking in. Making the office a cheerful place or a dreary one. Arriving home after work and setting the temperature of the family by your loving and graceful attitude. After you go around the track several times those around you will start to respond and live a better life too.

Of course a great way to improve any relationship is to start with an unexpected gift.