Entries by john

Beauty waiting to bloom

Once the rain stops, beauty is ready to bloom. Some seasons in life are easier to walk through than others. Those hard times are the rain and dark clouds, yet life has a pattern. What comes, goes. There is a statement on our office that states, "this too shall pass." the Bible states there is […]

Persistent Rain

Sometimes it rains for several days. Don’t let that change your attitude. You can be a thermostat instead of a thermometer. Set your attitude thermostat the joy today.


Go ahead and enjoy the rainy days. They can be fun if you’re attitude is positive, but you have to make up your mind right now that today will be a fun day.

Do the Dishes

Since we are a service that provides gift suggestions we have a lot to say about relationships, without them there’d be no reason to give a gift. So chalk this post up to failures we’ve made along the way and we hope you learn from our mistakes. The best way to deal with relationship issues. […]



Spring is well on the way in most of the states now and the next event around the corner is Mother’s Day! Mother’s are important. They provide, protect, love and wisdom. Sure it might not always feel that way but their perspective is bigger than your’s and that just means they know the consequences of […]


Every belief has their holidays. This weekend is Easter in the Christian Calendar. For those of you that celebrate it, myself included, I pray you will have an awesome weekend. If your not a Christian I hope you do participate to the full extent and are authentic in learning, understanding and practicing your faith. I […]

Wait, What?

Is it April 16th already? Wow. That was fast. Not much to say today. Checkout this crazy list: CES 2018 Products

Snow in April

Sometimes life can be depressing. Just when you expect the warmth and beauty of spring to break forth, you get a wet, rainy cold day. (Yes, Chicago was blessed with more snow yesterday than many years worth of storms of recent past.) Take heart, life is a compilation of events and one day is a […]


Do you see it as a positive or a negative? It can be both. Without rain we’d have desert everywhere and it’s tough to live in a desert, therefore we need rain. With rain all the time we’d not have picnic’s in the sun, long walks at sunset, baseball games, rides in the convertible, fun […]

Life is like a racetrack

You notice how events in your life seem to come and go over and over again. It’s like life is giving you opportunities over and over again, the question we have to answer is how to make better decisions in every turn so we don’t hit the wall or skid out on the track. An […]