Seeing the future.

It’s easy to see a short way into the future. For example, when you wake up to get ready for work you already can guess what time you get into your car to head to work, as well as your arrival time. You can guess what you’ll have for lunch and when you’ll come home.

You can see further when you think of holidays. You can probably imagine what Thanksgiving will be like and you may even be shopping for Christmas items already.

When driving you can see a slowdown a mile ahead and to prepare you can take your foot off the gas and glide to the traffic jam. (I live in Northeast Ohio and we know a lot about traffic jams.) or you can notice the don’t walk sign blinking orange to know the traffic light ahead will be changing soon.

The point is, the further ahead you can see the easier it is to make adjustments to avoid accidents or just to make life smooth.

With the in mind just think of how prepared you’ll be if you do your shopping now for birthdays in you home. Start right now.

The TopLists guys.