Do the Dishes

Since we are a service that provides gift suggestions we have a lot to say about relationships, without them there’d be no reason to give a gift. So chalk this post up to failures we’ve made along the way and we hope you learn from our mistakes.

The best way to deal with relationship issues.

If you have a problem in a relationship, our advice is that you deal with it immediately.

Think of it like you think of doing the dishes, especially if you wash the dishes by hand. You know the sooner you wash dirty dishes, the easier it is to get them clean. If you leave them over night, washing them the next day takes extra effort and elbow grease to get them clean. You may even need to let them soak so the dried gravy or yogurt or whatever you eat, will come off.

It’s similar with ‘dirt’ in a relationship. The longer you wait to clean it up the harder it will be to ‘clean’ it. I believe the majority of failed relationships start their downfall due to simple issues, that could have easily been washed up, but are ignored or avoided until it’s so bad, once they are dealt with it practically breaks the relationship instead of cleaning it.

Keep your relationship as clean as possible, meaning please don’t wait to mention an issue you have in your relationship. When mentioning the issue don’t attach the person, attack the problem.

Of course the best way to help deal with the issue is with a great gift. Check these out.