Life is like a racetrack

You notice how events in your life seem to come and go over and over again. It’s like life is giving you opportunities over and over again, the question we have to answer is how to make better decisions in every turn so we don’t hit the wall or skid out on the track.

An example that comes into my mind is the movie Ground Hog Day. It’s a classic Bill Murray movie. (I wouldn’t recommend it to families with young children because he goes through a very violent time because he doesn’t want to face certain corners of the racetrack of his life and he just ends it.) It makes us think about how we handle the events in our everyday life. Do we just hid and check-out of the relationships around us or do we engage with life and make it better for those around us. The movie has a great ending where the lead character learns what it means to be a good friend. A selfless good friend.

In the same light as Ground Hog Day we don’t get to experience the exact events every day but we do get to experience very similar events every day. Things like waking up and interacting with your spouse or family. Getting to work and saying Hi to everyone or just sneaking in. Making the office a cheerful place or a dreary one. Arriving home after work and setting the temperature of the family by your loving and graceful attitude. After you go around the track several times those around you will start to respond and live a better life too.

Of course a great way to improve any relationship is to start with an unexpected gift.