
How to make money on the internet

I’m a programmer. I started programming in Assembler language. I’ve adapted and learned many new computer languages along the way. I’ve learned: Cobol, Fortran, JCL, PHP, Pearl, SQL, HTML, Java, etc. but I’ve never tried to make money from a programmed website, until now.

In order to monetize this site, I’ve been told I need to create unique content, but not unique in a way that states a point so I need to write stuff in the English language and not just computer languages but do it so as the computer languages make money without really saying anything. Therefore I’m writing this blog. It’s not going to be political (which is what most content on sites end up being). It’s not going to drive the dogma of a religion. It’s just going to be what it was setup to be.

And what’s that you ask.

Here’s some background.

When my wife and I first got married we would tell each other what to buy as a great gift but the gift buyer would always want to be more creative then just buying what they were told to buy so we bought a lot of gifts that were never used, enjoyed or even liked. It wasn’t until we started buying exactly what was asked for that we started to find joy in gift giving and gift receiving.

Fast forward to today. This site gives you some of the best gifts we’ve received from each other over the years. Gifts that were enjoyed, useful and truly appreciated. Of course they are not the exact gifts, like the music on the site is from current bands, cameras are much different now but still thrilling to receive, jewelry is similar but new materials used to create necklaces, earrings and pins allows for stunning presentation of precious stones. (Also if you haven’t looked at the Swarovski Crystals jewelry please do just for the sake of beautiful jewelry at a really reasonable cost. The crystal pieces are in the price range you’d usually buy for your children, not your spouse, but the pieces are gorgeous.) AND on and on.

The best part of it is that you, our visitors, get the prices at the best online website, be it Amazon, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and Neiman Marcus and we receive a small percent of the transaction. For which we are very, very grateful. We both end up with a Win.

So peruse the lists and buy gifts for your loved ones that will sincerely be enjoyed and cherished for years to come.